Publications: Mathematics
Grant G.R. and Manduchi E. (1998) Root
numbers and algebraic points on elliptic surfaces with elliptic base. Duke
Math. Jour., 93(3): 479-486.
Grant G.R. and Manduchi E. (1997) Root
numbers and algebraic points on elliptic surfaces with base P1. Duke Math. Jour., 89(3): 413-422.
Manduchi E. (1995) Elliptic surfaces
and a conjecture of Mazur. Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico, Universita'
e Politecnico di Torino, 53: 339-345.
Manduchi E. (1995) Root numbers
of fibers of elliptic surfaces. Compos. Math., 99: 33-58.
Manduchi E. (1991) Steiner Heptagon
Systems. Ars Combinatoria, 31: 105-115.